Sunday, November 22, 2009

stabbing or being stabbed. u choose.

im sure everyone knows that there are so many cases where girls fight because another girl talks behind their back. eyh hello? everyone does that! even u did. its normal for a girl that may be want to share her dissatisfaction towards other girl to another girl because she needs someone to talk. maybe they had a lil fight but after she talks to another girl, she feels relieved. of coz they find their way back together as frens again. but the girl that she "mengumpat" with may tell the other girl that she talks bad about her. this will trigger a cat fight and many more dissatisfactions. this is stupid. orang dah cerita kat ko, ko boleh tak simpan je rahsia tu and jangan nak berlagak baik kononnye tanak bersubahat lalu ko pergi confess kat minah tu yg orang tu mengumpat pasal die. sorry, aku sangat benci org macam kau.