Friday, August 21, 2009

one scary night

ni gambar bile dh sihat hehe :p

wow.. it feels like ages since my last post.. there were so many things happened these few weeks.. i hurt my middle finger by unintentionally poked it into a fan. yeah i bled alot.. i tried to stay calm but who can blame a drama queen like me, of course i sobbed so hard until my roommate n i got a good "lecture" from our lecturer cuz we were late! the next day, i had fever which made me shivered and felt my body ached like hell. H1N1 madness is on the peak so i went to uitm clinic to see the doc. the doc sat quite far frm me n there was no physical contact at all.. hahaha guess he was scared to get infected by me. yeah i wore a mask that day.. yay~ he said i had a minor fever and there was nothing to worry about. he gave me pills for my body ache. i started taking the pills after mahgrib and 30 mins after we went out for dinner, i felt very dizzy and my vision was blurry.. i can barely walk at all.. there was a guy at the petrol station looked very concern and he asked me whether i was ok or not cuz i looked very pale like a corpse. yikes! i told nuoi to pull over cuz i really need to throw up.. and i did.. tot it will stop after the throw up but it just getting started. i vomitted 4 times at the restaurant's toilet, i barely touch my food and i felt itchy all over my body. i was scratching myself to sleep. might be allergy to the pills. damn u doc u said my allergy to the peniciline wont affected me if i take the pills. thank God i was ok the next day. damn tht was creepy!!

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