Who says its hard to find the right dress for plus size ladies? I used to think that women my size cannot find the right clothes. But I find that tunic dresses are suitable for me. It hides your love handles but not too big to hide your voluptuous body. I have a few tunic dresses which I wear to clubs, movies, hanging out with friends or special dates with HIM. You can also wear headband for hippie look. These tunic dresses are not expensive, their price can range as low as RM 20 to RM49.90 depends on the brands. I have tunic dresses that cost me RM20 (flea market, the curve) and RM49.90 (nichii). Sometimes, I wear belt for more fashionable look. You can wear tunics with leggings, jeans for more casual look or only tunics for sexier look or to clubs =) Here some examples of tunic dresses that catches my eyes..


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